The Made Over Podcast

In this week’s episode of the Made Over Podcast, we are joined by Regina Gulbinas, a life, and business strategist and an entrepreneur who has a mission in transforming CEO into an extraordinary leader.

Despite troubles in life, she was willing to go through all the process, persevered, and worked hard knowing that she was created with a purpose while longing for spiritual things. She has the drive and desire to help people organize and give valuable information for their business.

Today, she continues to work through her goals and has helped over 100 companies in generating millions of revenues along with thousands of jobs saved and created.


  • To have a successful business, leadership should be considered. They should know how to navigate and negotiate.
  • Quitting should never be an option especially if you have a responsibility as a family and a team member.
  • Consider other people, your clients, with much importance as if you’re looking out for your own interests as well.